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Summary of today class (20150601)

I attended a class on time. Today topic is "Show me what you mean". It was about body language. In the beginning of this article, it describes that body language is different by culture. And they explains how different using some examples. For example, 1) nodding head up and down -> In Western culture, yes or agreement. In the Middle East, only nodding head down means 'yes' if you not your head up, it means no or disagreement. In Japanese and Korean culture, just indicates that you are listening. 2) Thumbs-up hand gesture -> In the U.S., signal of approval. In Iran, it is considered a vulgar (impolite, bad manners) gesture. 3) making a circle with the thumb and forefinger gesture -> In the U.S., it means "OK", In some cultures, extremely rude. ...and so on... In the last of this article, they said that only facial expressions are universal form of communication. Voca 1. get your point across : To make yourself understood; to make your meaning clear. 2. posture : the way your body is positioned when standing or sitting. 3. carriage : 4. gesture : The manner of holding or moving your head and body. 5. vulgar : bad manners, very impolite behavior. 6. forefinger : pointing finger. 7. avert : to turn your eyes away or down. 8. universal : done or experienced by everyone. 9. contempt : feeling a lack of respect for someone or something. 10. to take advantage of - you have a vulnerability (weak points) and someone can use that against you. 11. around the world. 12. offend(v) - make someone angry. 13. varies - is different. 14. burry - digging. 15. a greater degree - more

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